

The Law Project's mission is to provide the highest quality and most thorough legal information anywhere for legal issues which affect everyday Australians. The Law Project is moving towards this objective by consistently researching, updating, and expanding on existing and new legal topics.


As Seen In

The Law Project - As Featured In - Vice, Popsugar, ABC News, ABC Radio, The Washington Post, Cambridge University Press, LSJ, Deakin University.png

In-Depth Guides


Defamation Law in Australia

Read The Law Project’s primary guide on the law of defamation in Australia. This guide covers the elements of defamation, defences, who can sue for defamation, what can you do if you’re being sued, what to do if you want to sue, how much money you can win, and much more.



Read The Law Project’s primary guide to Divorce. This guide covers the Application for Divorce, Property Settlement (“Splitting Assets”), Spousal Maintenance, Parenting (“Child Support”), Child Support, and Family Violence.

Brief Guides